
When Donnie Goes Trumping Home

11/4/16 Update: With five days to go, it’s too late in the game to put the new Comey is a Trumpie bumpersticker up for sale. (DELETED BY THREAT OF LAWYERS-2018). Besides, have you noticed there are practically NO bumperstickers this election? Or yard signs, at least around here. As I mentioned a few weeks ago,
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My Day Job

I’m the founder of what is now Castalia Communications, and running it has been my day job for over 35 years. Our main products have been educational posters for music, though we’ve done books, calendars, and most recently, my novels. Below are images of many of our products. To be taken to the site for
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Blow the NRA Away (take 2)

I uploaded this Mp3 and published the story of this song as a page in the songwriting section of this website a few weeks ago, but the recent massacre in Orlando compels me to update it as a blog post as well. As I mention in the story below, I’ve been sending this out since
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This post is a test of my video setup with me singing karaoke-style to a risqué parody I wrote when John and Loreena Bobbit were in the news. I’d classify it as PG-13, so proceed at your own risk. The original is “Bibbitty, Bobbity, Boo,” and I’m absolutely convinced the “fair use” provisions of copyright
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The Computicator

Many years ago, at least a decade before anyone ever heard of the term “blogger,” I coined the term “computicator” as a job description for a character in one of my stories, combining the words “computer” with “communicator.” It seems to me a more accurate and comprehensive term for what I’ll be doing than blogger.
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