Most of my songs take months or years to write, but this one came together at super speed. One day I was driving home when the DJ announced that it was the fifth anniversary of John Lennon’s assassination and then played an hour’s worth of Lennon’s songs as a tribute.
I was struck by how much the world missed his optimism and came up with the chorus while singing to myself at a red light. When I got home I grabbed my guitar and in about an hour it was done. Nearly fifteen years later I sang it at my wedding. Everybody there said it was the perfect wedding song. If you’re a performer in need of a wedding song, this is it.
The video is just me and my guitar from a few days ago, the Mp3 is from a studio session circa 1985. It was late in the day and the drummer was getting antsy to rock out, and since my other songs that day were mellower, and since he was working for free, I agreed to let him cut loose and it came out more danceable. It shows two different approaches to the song. In my head I hear it with a gospel-like choir on the chorus.
“Day By Day”
1985 studio demo featuring Keith Allen on guitar.
“Day by Day”
Scotty and the Skeptics
© Skeptico Music–BMI • WilliamScottMorrison.com
We’re not well off but our future’s bright
We’ve got each other for the rest of our lives
Some say love always fades away
But ours grows stonger day by day
Day by day by day by day
Day by day by day by day
Our love will never fade away
If we live our lives day by day.
The world goes around and the season’s change
Life is filled with pleasure and pain
Why it’s so I can’t explain
But we’ll take it as it comes
Day by day
Day by day by day by day
Day by day by day by day
And with our time that still remains
We’ll live our lives day by day.
The future’s uncertain the past went fast
Till they drop that curtain we’ll make our present last
I’ll sing you this song till the Beatles play
And we’ll be together day by day
Day by day by day by day
Day by day by day by day
I’ll sing you this song each and every day
And we’ll be together come what may.
Day by day by day by day
Day by day by day by day
Our love will never fade away
If we live our lives
Day by day