Luck of the Draw

50 Years and Counting

I’m back home in California after a week in Pennsylvania for my 50th high school reunion. New Castle Senior High (NeCaHi). Class of ’66. The Red Hurricanes. I’d always wondered why our teams were “Red” Hurricanes, and over the decades had asked around when I was back if anyone knew, but nobody I talked to
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Media Breakthrough?

YO! I’ve neglected my blogging duties, not because there hasn’t been anything to say, but because there’s been so much. Luck of the Draw is officially out and I’m not close to being sure what I should prioritize to promote it. Is it by calling attention to the novel by being anti-Trump? The Donald has
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The Computicator

Many years ago, at least a decade before anyone ever heard of the term “blogger,” I coined the term “computicator” as a job description for a character in one of my stories, combining the words “computer” with “communicator.” It seems to me a more accurate and comprehensive term for what I’ll be doing than blogger.
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