My wife thinks I’m completely out to lunch with this idea, but here it is. If you have any thoughts, positive or negative, don’t hold back.
Okay, here goes: I’m tired of the media’s depiction of Trump supporters. They are all over the map as to what to call them. Just last week I saw Trumpers, Trumpists, Trumpistas, none of which resonate like Trumpies. To me the nickname is obvious, a takeoff on famous disparaging nicknames like preppie and yuppie and of course that standard right-wing epithet, dirty hippie.
So what about a Kickstarter campaign to raise money to insinuate the term “Trumpies” into the lexicon by using electronic billboards? In order to work the strategy would have to be inoffensive, yet derogatory. It would be easy it adapt the series of Don’t Be a Trumpie bumperstickers found here to electronic billboards around Cleveland during the upcoming Republican convention at the end of July. The billboards cost between $3,000 and $20,000 depending on how long they run, what time of day they run, etc. The entire US political media will be focused on Cleveland during that period, and it should be relatively easy to get some free publicity to turn Trumpie billboards into a news story. Once it hits the news and the term becomes a bonafide story no pundit or editorial writer or reporter will feel right using other terms. Trump supporters will forever be known as Trumpies. Right?
Call me crazy, but I think it could work, and if the campaign generates more than the initial funding level it could be extended to billboards throughout the country for as long as the funding lasts. Here’s a quick and dirty video outlining the idea. Tell me what you think!
The official printable NoTrumpZone™ sign
Just click on the graphic below and print it out on your inkjet printer for your very own NoTrumpZone™ sign for windows, doors, filing cabinets, refrigerators—you name it. Or copy it to your computer and resize it for stationary, envelopes, whatever. Let’s have fun this election season!
For non-commercial use only!
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