
There's Gonna Be Baseball Again

A brief check-in: I wrote There’s Gonna Be Baseball Again when figuring out my taxes. I always talk baseball with my accountant as his son is a star college player projected to be the #1 or #2 selection in the upcoming major league draft. In a normal year that would mean a big payday of
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"The Moo Cow Song" --song demo

I wrote “The Moo Cow Song” for my little buddy Sylvia. We were housemates at the time and she would sometimes run up the stairs and into my room and tug on my pant leg and insist that I, “Sing the Moo Cow! Sing the Moo Cow! Sing the Moo Cow!”        
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Song Demo: "Doo Wop Zippity Do"

If you enjoy singing, whether it’s on stage, in the car, or in the shower, this joyous, uplifting, easy-to-sing tune is guaranteed to brighten your day. I singing in the shower trying to cheer myself up when I mashed together some happy songs from my youth: “Whoopie Ti Yi Yo,” “Zippity Do Dah”, and “Hi
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Song Demo: "Go! Susanna"

    As a songwriter I hear “Go! Susanna” as one of the most fun songs a band could ever do. The song is taken from my novel, The Energy Caper, or Nixon in the Sky With Diamonds, where it is 1971, in Paris. A 24 year-old American student, working as a go-go dancer under
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Trump Piñata

Not much to say, blog wise, but I just received this video of me whacking Trump at a friend’s 70th birthday party. I haven’t whacked a piñata since junior high school. Had to post it. Scott  


This post is a test of my video setup with me singing karaoke-style to a risqué parody I wrote when John and Loreena Bobbit were in the news. I’d classify it as PG-13, so proceed at your own risk. The original is “Bibbitty, Bobbity, Boo,” and I’m absolutely convinced the “fair use” provisions of copyright
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Trump's hairspray

Last week El Trumpo was in West Virginia making a speech before a crowd of coal miners and wearing a coal-miner’s hard-hat while complaining that the damned enviros and their global warming crapola was costing coal miners jobs based on the assertion that the burning of coal is causing the polar ice caps to melt.
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Kickstarter idea--Don't Be a TRUMPiE

My wife thinks I’m completely out to lunch with this idea, but here it is. If you have any thoughts, positive or negative, don’t hold back. Okay, here goes: I’m tired of the media’s depiction of Trump supporters. They are all over the map as to what to call them. Just last week I saw
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