Can Trump Get Into Heaven?

It’s interesting that so many religious evangelicals are backing Trump, such as the son of Jerry Falwell, Jerry Jr., and the son of Billy Graham, Franklin (both of whom, like Trump, inherited lucrative empires from their fathers). What with his multiple wives, each one younger and hotter than the last, and his hedonistic gambling casinos
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Happy Earth Day

  It only seems appropriate to feature Save The Planet bumper stickers on a day dedicated to future generations. Earth Day isn’t just for tree-huggers any more. We’re all in this together. Since my last post Trump got thumped in WI and then snookered out of delegates in CO and WY when the Cruzies took
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The Computicator

Many years ago, at least a decade before anyone ever heard of the term “blogger,” I coined the term “computicator” as a job description for a character in one of my stories, combining the words “computer” with “communicator.” It seems to me a more accurate and comprehensive term for what I’ll be doing than blogger.
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